We are here to help!

Fill in your details here and we will get back to you as soon as possible to discuss your old pension policy

    Have you a pension left behind with a previous employer?

    If so, it’s time to trace that pension and reclaim it

    Have you a pension left behind with a previous employer?


    If so, it’s time to trace that pension and reclaim it

    You may have changed jobs a number of times over the years and as a result accumulated a number of old pension funds. You may be a bit overwhelmed at the prospect of tracking them down or not sure how to find out about them.

    We are here to help!

    Why not drop us a line and our Pension advisor will get back to you as soon as possible

      You may have pensions you might not even know about!

      There are currently an estimated €500 million of unclaimed pensions in Ireland
      If you don’t know where to begin, we can help

      You may be missing out on your pension entitlement and if over 50 you can access the funds or make a partial tax free withdrawal. Your dormant pension could be re invested into a new pension fund that is working harder for you and your retirement.

      If you are wondering what are your Transfer Options, here is some guidance

      1. Transfer to New Employer
        This may seem like another viable option. If you intend staying with this company until retirement and the benefits of their scheme outway transferring then this may be the best option for you, however if you were to change jobs again in the future you would be in the same dilema as before.
      2. Transfer to a PRSA
        This is only an option if you were a member of the Pension Scheme in question for less than 15 years and you wish to transfer because you have left that employment or the scheme is winding up. The charging structure is generally not as favourable as with the next option – a PRB.
      3. Transfer to a Personal Retirement Bond (PRB)
        This option will give you the most control over your pension fund and access to performance and values in the future. Previous scheme Trustees or employers will have no involvment going forward. With this option everything is in one place, as one pension pot rather than multiple ones with varying terms of access, investment and performance. You are in complete control.*Not every type of pension fund is eligible to be transferred into a PRB, we can advise you on this.

      What to do next?

      The more information that you can provide us with the easier and more possible it will be trace your benefits. Fill in the contact form above and send it to us.

      Below is an outline of the basic details we require;

      • Your full name, date of birth, current address & PPS Number

      Details of your employer:

      • Company name, address & the years you worked in that employment
      • We will also need details of the address you lived at while working for the relevant company
      • Any supporting documentation in relation to the scheme such as statements etc would be very helpful.

      Contact Us | About Us  | E: admin@hcgroup.ie
